Whether you want to lose those last pesky 7lbs or have 3 stone to lose, the Lean Runner Programme is the solution for you.
Designed specifically for overweight runners (and those that don’t consider themselves runners!) by previously overweight runners.
The Lean Runner Programme is an 16 week online group coaching programme that guarantees you’ll lose your unwanted weight.
You’ll also see massive improvements in your running, and you’ll look and feel great!
You're known as a runner (or an active person), but your body isn't where you want it to be!
You've tried many approaches; slimming clubs, low carb diets, intermittent fasting, this fad diet, that fad diet and numerous failed attempts at going it alone!
Monday may as well be called “start the diet” day, as you are continually re-starting your diet with good intentions!
You know that if you just lost the weight, you’d enjoy your running more, it would feel easier, your times would tumble and you may even beat that one person that is always a few minutes ahead of you!
Maybe more importantly… you’d have more confidence and energy in your everyday life, the dread of going to the wardrobe, thinking you’ve got nothing to wear will be gone, and the feeling when you catch a glimpse in the mirror of the bumps and lumps will be transformed from unhappiness to having a spring in your step!
Buying new clothes will become a treat instead of a moment filled with the dreaded “will it fit”.
WARNING: You may want to treat yourself to some new clothes (….including running gear!) after completion of the 8-week Lean Runner Programme
Don’t look back in years to come and regret not getting into shape now!

A fitter, faster, happier YOU
The Lean Runner Programme will give you an easy to implement, no fad, flexible and GUARANTEED approach.
You’ll implement the approach with like-minded runners (online), and be supported every step of the way, making sure you fully understand what you need to do, and so that we can address any issues you face together.
I’ll provide the accountability throughout the 16 weeks to make sure you get it done!
You'll also get a success guarantee, meaning that you can join completely risk-free, as if you don't lose weight in the 16 weeks, I'll personally continue to work with you until you do.

I was where you are now, an overweight runner, training a lot but not where you want to be.
Using what I coach in the Lean Runner Programme, I’ve lost the weight and am now a much happier, healthier and confident person, I have far more energy and I can now enjoy my running!
I didn’t want anyone else to experience those feeling so supplemented my experience with years of research and £1,000s spend on courses and qualifications to formally educate myself. I’ve now worked with clients to get them to lose the weight!
My Qualifications include:
Personal Trainer, Running Coach in Running Fitness, GAIT Re-training.

Last time I ran the Lean Runner Programme, Susan lost 21.5lbs in just 8 weeks!!!
On average everyone who completed the programme lost 12lbs in 8 weeks. Here's what they had to say:
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Now it’s YOUR Turn:
You can do this, it is time to be the best version of you. I’m a big believer that we need to tackle the mind as much as the body and this quote really sums up any weight loss journey:
"Weight loss is not a physical challenge, it is a mental challenge"
As part of the 16 weeks, you’ll be asked to do tasks that make you understand your mindset and will make sure you keep on track.
You will thank yourself in 16 weeks that you joined!
It’s time to invest in yourself
The Lean Runner Programme is an 16 week online group coaching programme for runners (and those that don’t consider themselves as runners... but do run!)
Secure your spot below. Here's what's included:
16 Week Nutritional Advice and Support
Making sure you are in a calorie deficit, but flexible enough that you can adapt to your tastes and around busy family lives. Weeks are themed to ensure you have variety; you don’t get bored and your body keeps guessing.
Our methodology is based around the universal FACT that you must be in a calorie deficit to lose weight, meaning you must be burning more calories than you eat.
Yes, you will be asked to count calories, but I’ll teach you a super simple way to do it that’ll take 3 – 5 minutes per day to do!
We’ll then have the insight to know whether you need to adjust the calories week in week out.
For the results you'll get, It's worth the inconvenience of tracking your food intake for just 56 days!
The approach is flexible, and you can fit it around your tastes and lifestyle. There are no fads here, you’ll be encouraged to eat real food, but don’t worry, recipes shared to turn boring, bland food into healthy and tasty meals.
Giving you a structured and focused plan that will ensure you are burning calories each time you train.
Your fitness level doesn't matter nor how good a runner you are, as each workout has an easier or harder option.
The plan also includes resistance training sessions with options for the gym or home. Don’t worry if you are new to this type of training, you’ll have online support every step of the way to ensure you are clear on what to do.
You get to choose the date and time of when you complete the workouts, so you can easily fit everything in around a busy life! Most training sessions are around 30 minutes long.
Finally, it’s also flexible, if you have a workout, gym class, running club session, youtube or DVD workout you love, then you can substitute the prescribed session to do that instead, as long as you are burning calories and being active!
mindset, sleep & sTRESS STRATEGIES
Losing weight is as much a mental challenge as it is physical. You’ll get tangible, actionable tasks to give you strategies to make sure you are using the mind to help you instead of it sabotaging you
You’ll be asked to complete mindset tasks in the first few weeks and then revisit these throughout the 16 weeks, so that you stay strong and you’ll stop relying on will power.
We’ll also identify your known issues to date and ways to combat them, we’ll add to these if new ones arise during the 16 weeks!
You’ll also get sleep and stress advice. Both sleep and stress have huge hormonal effects on weight loss, if we can improve each by just 1%, you’ll see the benefits on the scales.
You’ll get accompany coaching videos, bringing everything you need to do for each week to life.
This will include the initial 3 videos in week 1 to get you started, which you can watch in your own time.
You also get a weekly video for the remaining of the first 8 weeks. This is where I'll talk you through the plan for the week, making sure you fully understand what you need to do.
accountability, motivation AND SUPPORT
You’ll have the accountability, motivation and support throughout the 16 weeks, for the first 8 weeks you'll get weekly live Q&As and 'check-ins' twice a week. The second 8 weeks you'll be set up for a lighter touch approach but will still have unlimited email support and weekly check-ins.
Accountability – every Monday you’ll be asked to do a detailed 'check-in' to see how you’ve got on in the previous week. Every Thursday there’ll be a brief 'check-in' to see how that week is progressing.
Motivation – I’ll be in the group giving you the motivation you need to stay on track.
Support – Every Wednesday evening for the first 8 weeks (8pm UK time) I’ll go live to answer any questions you have. Don’t worry if you can’t make it live as you can ask your question and watch the replay.
engaged ONLINE community
We’re all in this together, like a team, each with the same shared goal!
Everyone starts and finishes together, so there is always someone to share the highs and lows with.
The online community is run via a private Facebook group, so only those that have invested in the Lean Runner Programme will have access.
Don’t worry if you want to stay in the shadows, you can contribute as much or as little you like. From my experience, the more engaged you are, the bigger the benefit as you'll feel more supported.

If you want to lose anything from 7lbs to 3 stone and are active (or want to be more active) then this is for you.
It’s really flexible and you’ll get lots of support to help you along the way, and the accountability to keep you on track for 16 weeks!
I’ve spent years, through trial and error, looking at different weight loss approaches and have invested £1,000s on education.
Let me fast track your transformation by joining the Lean Runner Programme.
Imagine what you can achieve;
Your clothes will feel looser
You'll have a big smile across your face
You'll look forward to choosing new outfits
Your confidence will sky rocket
You'll feel full of energy to do those everyday tasks with ease….
And that’s without mentioning the running benefits!!
Your running benefits will include:
It will feel much easier
You’ll feel light on your feet
You'll be much fitter
Your times will tumble
... and you may even start beating some of your friends that are a few minutes ahead of you at the moment!
Ready To Join?
16 Week Nutritional Advice and Support
16 Week Training plan
Mindset, Sleep & Stress Strategies Guidance
Online Group Video Coaching
Accountability, Motivation & Support - 2 x weekly check-ins and live weekly Q&A
Online Community
BONUS 1: Success Guarantee
BONUS 2: Exclusive Video Diary

After you’ve clicked BUY NOW, you’ll be taken to the check-out to complete your purchase.
Once payment is complete, keep an eye out on your emails, you’ll get a confirmation a welcome email with all the details you need to get started, including step by step guidance on the initial tasks you need to do before Day 1.
This email will include the links and password to the private Facebook group.
But don't worry you can always email me anytime with any questions you have on: Jon@jonevanscoaching.com

Loved it! It helped with the monotony and my lack of routine.
i Liked your easy going manner, and was impressed with your knowledge in the chats.

The biggest benefit was the reduced pressure on my knee when running. The improvement in my running has made me so happy seeing PB's and achievements on my Strava on almost a daily basis! Running friends have noticed the change in my running style, I am lighter on my feet and running with ease and confidence.

I've dropped nearly a dress size. There are clothes in my wardrobe that I can now get into that I haven't been able to for something like 2 years. I'm looking forward to going on holiday and wearing shorts! I can now out-run the rest of my family :)